Christia Spears Brown
Pub. Date
We need only scan the latest news headlines to see how bias and prejudice harm adults and children alike—every single day.
Police shootings that give rise to the Black Lives Matter revolution, rampant sexual harassment of women and the subsequent #MeToo movement, and extreme violence toward trans men and women are just three examples.
It would be easy to fix these problems if the examples stopped with a few racist or sexist individuals,
Pub. Date
Physical Desc
xii, 276 pages ; 23 cm
"In her new book Unraveling Bias: How Prejudice Has Shaped Children for Generations and Why It's Time to Break the Cycle, Dr. Brown will uncover what scientists have learned about how children are impacted by biases, and how we adults can help protect them from those biases. Part science, part history, part current events, and part call to arms, Unraveling Bias provides readers with the answers to vital questions"--